Introduction To PHP

PHP is server-side and scripting  languages in existence today. The lan…

A full Pyramid Shape In C

Complied On :  Code::Blocks 17.0 Save :-  .c file (C Program) Cre…
welcome to c
Introduction to C Programming C language was developed by Dennis Ritchi…
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Introduction To PHP

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PHP is server-side and scripting languages in existence today. The language has the ability to communicate back and forth with a server and create a dynamic web page for the user. If you have a web hosting account to run your personal blog or website, I can guarantee that PHP is already installed. Even the page you are looking at right now was created by PHP. If you have ambitions of becoming a web developer, PHP is a must for you and will allow you to create dynamic web pages based on external input, usually from the user. 
It is also important to note that PHP is an object-oriented programming language, and O.O.P. is one of the things we will cover in the series.

To learn PHP you need to have some basic knowledge in Programming . Getting a grasp of the basic programming concepts might be easier in a language such as Visual Basic as the syntax and concepts in PHP might be quite confusing for a beginner. If you have no experience in scripting, I might also suggest taking a look at JavaScript which is a client-side scripting language, making it limited when compared to PHP. But don’t let that scare you, PHP teaches some great coding habits and if you are capable of picking things up quickly then you should be just fine. Let’s take a little look at the syntax first, here’s how you would tell PHP to output the text “Welcome to my website” to a browser:

echo 'Welcome to my website';

It all looks pretty logical, right? You are echoing out the sentence enclosed in the quotation marks to the web browser. And each statement in PHP must end with a “;” to notify the processor module that we have ended our statement. New lines and blank space are not recognized. You must also wrap PHP code inside “<?php” and “?>” tags to notify the server when a PHP script will start and end. So if you think you are ready to start learning PHP, click on the first video just below this paragraph to begin learning. I hope you find the free tutorials useful.

A full Pyramid Shape In C

Complied On : Code::Blocks 17.0

Save :- .c file (C Program)

Created By :- Lukas Yooma 

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int i, space, rows, k=0;

    printf("Enter number of rows: ");

    for(i=1; i<=rows; ++i, k=0)
        for(space=1; space<=rows-i; ++space)
            printf("  ");

        while(k != 2*i-1)
            printf("* ");


    return 0;

welcome to c

Introduction to C Programming

  • C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Laboratories.
  • Most of the features in C are derived from "B" programming language.  That is the reason why the new language was named as "C".
  • C is a high level language but it lacks features like garbage collection, object orientation which are usually available in high-level languages.
  • C is a structured programming language.  Because, C provides many features like functions, if statements, loops, blocks etc.
  • Most part of the UNIX operating system was written in C
  •  C was initially designed to develop system software.  Because of its simplicity, flexibility and portability, it is also used to develop application software. 

Applications of C programming language:
  • Used to develop firmware for micro controllers, operating system, device drivers etc.
  • Major programming languages like PHP, Perl , Python etc. are written in C
  • Used to develop application softwares like media player, mp3 player, games etc.

C Programming- A program that calculates and displays the price before commission and after commission of 6%: The program prompt the user to enter

 A program that calculates and displays the price before commission
 and after commission of 6%: The program prompt the user to enter
i. Quality of products purchased
ii. Unit price.

Complied On : Code::Blocks 17.0

Save :- .c file (C Program)

Created By :- Lukas Yooma 

#include <stdio.h>

int quantity, price, b4;
float commision;

    scanf("%d", &quantity);

    printf("WHAT IS THE UNIT PRICE \n");
    scanf("%d", &price);


    printf(" THE PRICE BEFORE COMMISION %d\n",b4);


    printf("\nTHE PRICE AFTER THE COMMISION OF 6 PERCENT %f\n",commision);


Thank you For reading please leave your comments for any queries 

PROGRAMMING IN C- A function which outputs all the prime numbers between 2 and a given positive integer n:

This program will allow users to find the the prime numbers between 2 and a given positive integer 

Complied On : Code::Blocks 17.0

Save :- .c file (C Program)

Created By :- Lukas Yooma 
Find the code below

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int i,j, n=0,prime;

    scanf("%d", &prime);
    for(i = 2; i <=prime; i++)
        for (j=1; j<= i; j++)
            if (i%j == 0)
        if (n == 2)
    printf("%d\n", i);

Thanks for reading, leave a comment for any queries

Programming in C - A program which inputs a person’s height (in centimeters) and weight (in kilograms) and outputs one of the messages: underweight, normal, or overweight, using the criteria:

A program which inputs a person’s height (in centimeters) and weight (in kilograms) and outputs one of the messages: underweight, normal, or overweight, using the criteria:
              Underweight:    weight < height/2.5
              Normal:             height/2.5 <= weight <= height/2.3

              Overweight:      height/2.3 < weight

Complied On : Code::Blocks 17.0

Save :- .c file (C Program)

Created By :- Lukas Yooma 
Below is the code 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    float height, weight;

    scanf("%lf", &weight);

    if(weight < height/2.5)
    printf("YOU ARE UNDERWEIGHT \n");

    if(height/2.3 < weight)
    printf("YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT \n");

    if(height/2.5 <= weight <= height/2.3)
    printf("YOU ARE NORMAL\n");

Thanks for reading leave a comment for any queries