Image result for students results management system

The whole idea for a students' results Management system arose due to problems such as duplication of results, loss of results when files are being carried around, wrong calculations during computation and omission of result which are encountered frequently. Using this online system, the school management would ensure that results are processed faster, without delays and with fewer errors. The system was developed using PHP, CSS, HTML, MYSQL and was hosted locally using Apache web server. However, the system comprises of two users which are the Lecturer and Students

Student Privileges
1. Search Result
2.View Results
3.Print/download results
Students Result Search and PHP Query
The student is able to search for their results by entering the module and student No.

 Admin/Lecturer Privileges

1. Manage Students
2. Add/Edit/Delete Classes and Sections
3. Add/Edit/Delete Subjects
4. Add/Edit/Delete Results
5. Change System Password

Login Details: Email= admin Password= 123

1.      Installation Instructions

1. Extract the folder
2. Copy the folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
3. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin

4. Locate the SQL file in Folder: database/srms.sql and import the SQL file to phpmyadmin

Please make sure the database is correctly connected

     Lastly run the URL – http://localhost/luka/


Image result for students results management system

The whole idea for a students' results Management system arose due to problems such as duplication of results, loss of results when files are being carried around, wrong calculations during computation and omission of result which are encountered frequently. Using this online system, the school management would ensure that results are processed faster, without delays and with fewer errors. The system was developed using PHP, CSS, HTML, MYSQL and was hosted locally using Apache web server. However, the system comprises of two users which are the Lecturer and Students

Student Privileges
1. Search Result
2.View Results
3.Print/download results
Students Result Search and PHP Query
The student is able to search for their results by entering the module and student No.

 Admin/Lecturer Privileges

1. Manage Students
2. Add/Edit/Delete Classes and Sections
3. Add/Edit/Delete Subjects
4. Add/Edit/Delete Results
5. Change System Password

Login Details: Email= admin Password= 123

1.      Installation Instructions

1. Extract the folder
2. Copy the folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
3. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin

4. Locate the SQL file in Folder: database/srms.sql and import the SQL file to phpmyadmin

Please make sure the database is correctly connected

     Lastly run the URL – http://localhost/luka/

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